542: Excessive Collaboration

542: Excessive Collaboration Rob Cross, professor at the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce, explains how work became an exhausting marathon of group projects. He’s the coauthor of the HBR article “Collaborative Overload.” Source: Ideacast 542: Excessive Collaboration

IT as a service: From build to consume

IT as a service: From build to consume The cloud debate is over—businesses are now moving a material portion of IT workloads to cloud environments. The impact will be considerable, for consumers and vendors of technology alike. Source: McKinsey IT as a service: From build to consume

Deploying a two-speed architecture at scale

Deploying a two-speed architecture at scale How can companies determine which technologies and processes to fast-track and which to leave alone? They need to identify their desired digital business capabilities and the role technology plays in supporting them. Source: McKinsey Deploying a two-speed architecture at scale

11 Growth-Hacking Tactics That Require Zero Technical Skills

11 Growth-Hacking Tactics That Require Zero Technical Skills The term “hacking” sounds like technical voodoo that’s beyond the reach of ordinary mortals. The reality is, the term “growth hacking” has kind of been ruined by people who don’t understand it. I mean, even the word “hack” isn’t quite accurate in describing what most growth hackers do. Read more about 11 Growth-Hacking Tactics That Require Zero Technical Skills[…]