NetReputation Review

NetReputation is one of the most popular and reliable online reputation management companies on the market.

They stand out from other companies in this space due to their wide range of service offerings, industry-specific expertise, and ultra-responsive customer support. 

Whether you’re an individual or a business that needs help with brand reputation management, reputation monitoring, branding, crisis management, PR, and more, NetReputation has you covered.

This in-depth review contains everything you need to know about NetReputation and how its services stack up against other agencies in this space. 

NetReputation Pros and Cons


  • Supports individuals and businesses
  • Remove negative search results
  • Protect online reputation
  • Brand alerts
  • Free reputation consultations


  • Results might take time
  • High pricing for small business
  • Not ideal for SEO alone

How NetReputation Compares to Top Online Reputation Management Companies

NetReputation is definitely among the top players in the reputation management industry. They’re neck-and-neck with WebiMax as our top two recommendations of the best online reputation management companies. NetReputation’s services support a wide range of business types and industries, but you can potentially look elsewhere if you have a use-case-specific need.

For example, is a better option for anyone looking to improve or fix their personal online reputation as opposed to their business. If you’re strictly focusing on scaling your reviews and getting more reviews automatically, Podium would be a better option to consider. 

NetReputation Ethical Practices and Methods

It’s typically in your best interest to avoid reputation management companies that use shady or unethical techniques to improve your online reputation. Those strategies could come back to haunt you if you’re not careful and ultimately do more harm than good. 

For example, some companies might coerce reviews with a certain sentiment or threaten users who left negative reviews—that’s not what you want.

Fortunately, NetReputation doesn’t use these types of methods as they’re building, monitoring, managing, and repairing your online brand presence. Instead, they implement an ethical five-step reputation management process that aligns with your specific business goals. 

NetReputation home page

This process is more about creating positive content and controlling how your brand is perceived online, as opposed to attacking others or using shady practices to deceive search engines. Following this approach is much better for your company’s long-term brand image.

NetReputation Maximum Transparency

Fully understanding what your online reputation management company is delivering is crucial. Some companies are vague and just say they’ll “handle it.” But that’s not always comforting and can sometimes feel like you’re being duped. 

Fortunately, NetReputation has an excellent track record here. It all starts with a free reputation analysis. 

This phase uses an online diagnostic tool that groups different search phrases into categories that NetReputation analyzes and scores. They use this information as a baseline, and then they’ll show you how those numbers change as they implement certain strategies. 

These metrics help hold NetReputation accountable for delivering on its promises. If they fall short, you’ll be able to tell based on those numbers. They also break down everything that goes into your reputation, so you can see exactly what they’re working on and what they’re prioritizing.

Overview grid of NetReputation reputation analysis metrics

It’s worth noting that there are a handful of online reviews from unhappy customers saying that NetReputation did not deliver on what it promised. But these make up less than 1% of their total reviews, so I think it’s safe to say that those were anomalies. 

NetReputation Channel-Specific Solutions

Channel-specific strategies are crucial for businesses that need to narrow their focus. For example, if 90% of your existing customer reviews are on Yelp, then working with an online reputation management company offering Yelp-specific solutions will definitely be in your best interest.

NetReputation does offer several channel-specific solutions. They have reputation management options for socials like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest. 

NetReputation image of factors that can harm your business's reputation

They also offer solutions for SEO and Google. 

NetReputation stands out in this category with its Wikipedia page solutions. This is not a common service offered by other reputation management companies, and it’s great for both individuals and businesses with Wikipedia pages. 

Overall, NetReputation’s channel-specific solutions are solid compared to the other top players in this space. We do recommend BirdEye if you’re focusing strictly on getting more reviews on channels like Google and Facebook. Go Fish Digital is our top recommendation for improving Yelp reviews.

But NetReputation definitely hits the mark in this category, regardless of the channels you’re prioritizing. 

NetReputation Industry-Specific Expertise

Always look for an online reputation management firm that has experience working with other businesses in your industry. Small businesses shouldn’t be consulting with agencies that only work with B2B enterprises. 

NetReputation specializes in the following industry-specific solutions:

  • Legal
  • Construction
  • Senior Living
  • Retail
  • Automotive
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Healthcare
  • VIPs (people in the public eye)
NetReputation "Retail Reputation Management" page with image of link to schedule a free consultation

So if you fall into any of those categories, NetReputation should definitely be on your radar. 

For small businesses, WebiMax is an excellent option to consider. is another great option that serves dozens of different industries. 

You can always inquire about industry-specific results during your consultation with NetReputation, or any other reputation management company. They should be able to provide you with similar case studies or success stories for brands like yours. 

NetReputation Content Removal

NetReputation content removal services are popular for businesses trying to improve a bad reputation. The removal specialists at NetReputation can help remove blogs, videos, news articles, reviews, and social media content from the web.

The exact methods used depend on the source, type of content, and how long it’s been online. Some of those methods include:

  • Site terms of service (TOS) violations
  • Google TOS violations
  • DMCA copyright infringement
  • Negotiations with the publisher
  • Data broker opt-outs
  • State and local law violations

NetReputation really stands behind this service, offering a 100% money-back guarantee. Whether you’re a business or an individual that wants content removed from the web, NetReputation is an excellent choice. 

NetReputation page titled "Negative content removal since 2014" with animated image of arrow going through a heart

If removing the content isn’t possible, NetReputation also uses techniques to suppress that information, making it difficult to find in search results. 

For those of you strictly looking for content removal solutions, without any other online reputation management needs, the Reputation Defense Network is our top recommendation. 

NetReputation Reputation Monitoring

Brand reputation monitoring services help businesses quickly identify problems before they get out of hand. NetReputation tracks all brand mentions across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, YouTube, forums, blog sites, news outlets, web results, and more. 

They’re constantly adding new social listening sources to ensure you’re getting all of the information you need—including both real-time alerts and historical information.  

NetReputation page titled "Brand Reputation Management with Monitoring" with image of green free analysis button

Compared to other similar services out there, NetReputation’s monitoring package is very good. Their software crawls over 13 billion sources per day, providing you with an in-depth analysis of potential reputation threats. 

They also use sentiment analysis tools to provide you with a more holistic picture of your brand’s digital presence. In addition to monitoring and reporting, NetReputation’s experts will also provide you with actionable insights and strategies based on the results. 

NetReputation Review Management

NetReputation has removed more than 100,000 false, negative, and harmful reviews from the web. They offer review management services for Yelp, Facebook, Google, Trustpilot, TripAdvisor, and other popular review platforms. 

The great part about this service is that they take a multi-pronged approach to review management. This includes:

  • Review monitoring
  • Review generation
  • Review removal
  • Review responses

So whether you’re trying to get more reviews, remove bad reviews, or respond quickly to new reviews, NetReputation has you covered. 

NetReputation "Get Instant Updates" page

Overall, the review management services here are top-notch. 

If I had to pick another online reputation management company that rivals NetReputation for this, it would be WebiMax. WebiMax clients have an online dashboard that shows all of their reviews in a single place, and they can respond directly from the dashboard as well. 

But you can’t go wrong with NetReputation if you need help with review management.

NetReputation Branding

NetReputation’s branding services are a bit different from similar services on the web. As an online reputation management firm, these branding solutions focus more on review management, business profile development, Wikipedia page creation, and things of that nature.

This is not the best option out there if you’re looking to build a brand from scratch and need assistance with logos, color schemes, website design, and more traditional branding services. 

NetReputation page titled "Business branding and promotion services help you" with list of items their services help with

If your company is looking to rebrand itself after a reputation attack, bad press, or similar situation, then Gadook is a better option to consider. 

While NetReputation has tons of excellent services, the branding solutions are a bit lackluster compared to other options on the web. They’re essentially taking other online reputation management services and packing them into a “branding” service. But it’s not a traditional branding solution.

NetReputation Public Relations

NetReputation offers all of the time-tested PR practices that you would expect. This includes media outreach, pitches, and press releases. 

But they also provide a more modern approach through efforts like social media outreach, expanded media coverage, and competitive research. 

NetReputation "Public Relations Strategy and Services" page with image of green button to schedule a free consultation

These services are great for product launching, app launches, social media influencer campaigns, and thought leadership promotion. 

But similar to other NetReputation services, the PR solution has an online reputation management approach. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s probably not exactly what a business or an individual is looking for if they’re strictly seeking a PR service. 

NetReputation SEO

Many online reputation management companies offer SEO services. NetReputation offers both traditional SEO services and local SEO services for businesses of all sizes. 

These are great if you’re looking to create content that suppresses negative search results or potentially move those altogether. 

NetReputation "What is Search Engine Optimization" page with brief definition of search engine optimization

But if your business is only looking for an SEO agency, there are better options on the market. That’s not a knock against NetReputation by any stretch. SEO is challenging, and even agencies that specialize in SEO struggle with certain aspects of it.

In my experience, you’re better off leaving search optimization to the SEO pros. Agencies that dabble in SEO alongside a wide range of other services don’t tend to deliver the best results. 

If you prefer to use an SEO company that also offers online reputation management solutions, SEO Image is a viable alternative. 

NetReputation Social Media Management

Social media and online reputation management go hand-in-hand. For those of you who don’t have an active social media presence or need help with your social media strategy, NetReputation has you covered.

NetReputation "Content posting and scheduling" page with image of green free analysis button

This service offers:

  • Original content creation
  • Social media calendar
  • Ad boost management
  • Community management
  • Campaign strategy
  • Analysis and reporting
  • Monthly consulting

Plans include Facebook and Instagram, with an extra $150 per month per network. Depending on the volume you’re looking for, NetReputation offers plans with 12, 20, and 40 posts per month. 

This is the perfect solution for any business that simply wants to outsource social media management. 

NetReputation Crisis Management

This service is a bit unique as well. NetReputation assists with crisis management planning, ensuring that your business knows what to do if something bad happens or your reputation is attacked. 

They offer steps to identify potential threats and ways to streamline recovery efforts. 

Examples of events that are covered under this umbrella include data breaches, industrial accidents, and workplace violence incidents. 

NetReputation: Your Crisis Management Team page

The one downside of this service is that it’s a bit more proactive than reactive. So if your business is currently in the middle of a crisis, I’m not sure that NetReputation will actually be able to help.

Think of this more like an insurance policy or alarm system as opposed to a 911 resource when there’s an emergency. 

NetReputation Wikipedia Page Solutions

The Wikipedia business page solutions from NetReputation are truly unique. We’ve researched and reviewed dozens of different online reputation management companies, and this isn’t something that you’ll see from most of them.

NetReputation page titled "We take Wikipedia edits seriously" with emphasis on 24/7 Wikipedia monitoring

This service helps with everything from Wikipedia page creation to monitoring, editing, and repair. It covers:

  • Inaccurate or misleading information
  • Bias removal
  • Images
  • WikiData refining
  • Expediting peer reviews
  • Enhancing relevance by cross-referencing other pages
  • Wikipedia threat monitoring
  • Wikipedia alerts

Not every business or brand needs to have a Wikipedia page. But for those of you who do, NetReputation can really clean it up on your behalf—especially if you’re not happy with the current information on there.  

Overall, NetReputation is one of the best online reputation management companies on the web. Some of their best services include content removal, review management, Wikipedia page solutions, and public relations. Whether you need to repair a bad online reputation or just take control over your existing one, NetReputation is an excellent choice to consider.

Source: quicksprout

NetReputation Review