Lessons from the Lighthouses
Production networks that are capturing the value from digital transformation do so by tackling the scaling slump, investing in their workforce, and pursuing sustainability. Source: McKinsey Lessons from the Lighthouses
Production networks that are capturing the value from digital transformation do so by tackling the scaling slump, investing in their workforce, and pursuing sustainability. Source: McKinsey Lessons from the Lighthouses
The chairman and CEO of the French oil major talks about why he’s sticking to his strategy to gradually shift from oil to electrons, which he calls “the energy of the 21st century.” Source: McKinsey TotalEnergies’ tightrope transition: A talk with Patrick Pouyanné
Wharton experts speak with Leonardo Bonetti, associate professor in the Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University.…Read More Source: Knowledge @ Wharton Cognition, Personality Tests, and Pro Soccer Players
A number of trends, including reduced interest rates and the emergence of new technologies, software, and ecosystems, point to an uptick in M&A activity within advanced industries and its subsectors. Source: McKinsey Advanced industries: New technologies and supply chain shifts are driving key portfolio and investment decisions
McKinsey research and interviews with global leaders reveal the activities and discussions that CEOs should be directly involved in to ensure success before, during, and after M&A transactions. Source: McKinsey CEOs in M&A: Five actions only the chief executive can take
Powerful forces favor a resurgence in M&A, especially in North America, but dealmakers still have plenty of challenges to stare down. Source: McKinsey M&A Annual Report: Is the wave finally arriving?
Despite the slowdown in dealmaking in 2024, there are good reasons to expect greater M&A activity in US healthcare in 2025 and 2026 as many players seek to pursue innovation and growth. Source: McKinsey US healthcare: Navigating through the headwinds
Private capital firms have been active in several industries, but activity in technology, media, and telecommunications leads the way. And firms pursued fewer megadeals, opting for midsize deals more often. Source: McKinsey Private capital: Investors’ cautious stance in 2024 may give way to a more aggressive approach
Unprecedented shocks are affecting M&A activity and dealmaker behavior. Different analyses help bring uncertainty into focus—and suggest a range of outcomes. Source: McKinsey Uncertainty in M&A: Postcards from the new normal
Executives can take three important actions to integrate parent and target company cultures more smoothly and generate the intended value from a deal more quickly. Source: McKinsey Why managing culture is critical for value creation in M&A