LegalNature Review

LegalNature is an international online legal service. Since launching in 2010, the company has expanded its team of law, business, and technology professionals across six countries. They specialize in providing fully compliant legal products and services while offering exceptional support to customers. LegalNature is a simple way to automate legal documents and processes at Read more about LegalNature Review[…]

Best Buy’s Hubert Joly on Walking the Talk of Stakeholder Capitalism

Hubert Joly, former chairman and CEO of Best Buy, says that now is the time for companies to get serious about operating to benefit not just shareholders but also employees, customers and broader society. In the face of environmental crisis, racial turmoil, and rising economic inequality, he argues that leaders shouldn’t debate whether or Read more about Best Buy’s Hubert Joly on Walking the Talk of Stakeholder Capitalism[…]