The Beginner’s Guide to CRM Implementation

Implementing a CRM (customer relationship management) system has become an absolute must for every company in the modern business world. But this process definitely comes with its fair share of challenges. It’s human nature for people to resist change. Once you add new technology into the mix, those hesitations can amplify. Recent studies suggest Read more about The Beginner’s Guide to CRM Implementation[…]

How Leaders Can Encourage Imagination

Martin Reeves, managing director and senior partner at Boston Consulting Group’s Henderson Institute, has looked at how companies reinvent themselves to achieve success. And he has found that an essential ingredient in that process is imagination. It’s something we cultivate in children but rarely practice deliberately in the business world. He explains how to Read more about How Leaders Can Encourage Imagination[…]

Inflation: What Lies Ahead?

The latest rise in the inflation rate to 4.2% for April has fueled expectations that the Federal Reserve could raise interest rates and tighten monetary policy – but that will depend on whether this is a temporary change, says Wharton’s Itay Goldstein. Source: Knowledge @ Wharton Inflation: What Lies Ahead?

The Power of Nudges: Maya Shankar on Changing People’s Minds

Wharton’s Katy Milkman talks to behavioral scientist Maya Shankar about her career, which has taken her from the White House to her current role as senior director of behavioral economics at Google, and about what it takes to change people’s minds. Source: Knowledge @ Wharton The Power of Nudges: Maya Shankar on Changing Read more about The Power of Nudges: Maya Shankar on Changing People’s Minds[…]