How China country heads are coping
As multinational companies face stronger headwinds, how are local leaders dealing with the situation, and what would help them move faster? Source: McKinsey How China country heads are coping
As multinational companies face stronger headwinds, how are local leaders dealing with the situation, and what would help them move faster? Source: McKinsey How China country heads are coping
Can automobiles become the next big category for Chinese e-commerce? Source: McKinsey Online car sales in China may be closer than they appear
Fears that US companies underinvest by paying too much back to shareholders are unfounded. Rather, the rise in buybacks reflects changes in the economy. Source: McKinsey Are share buybacks jeopardizing future growth?
In this panel discussion with McKinsey’s Richard Kelly, three experts share their vision of how digitization may transform manufacturing. Source: McKinsey The digital-manufacturing revolution: How it could unfold
After lagging behind other sectors with rocketing online sales, consumer-packaged-goods players are at an e-commerce tipping point. Here’s how they can succeed. Source: McKinsey The digital future of consumer-packaged-goods companies
Clay Shirky talks about Xiaomi, the subject of his new book, “Little Rice.” Source: Ideacast 492: China and the Biggest Startup You've Probably Never Heard of
I’ve always put appearance way down the bottom of the brewing-importance hierarchy. If an ingredient or technique benefits flavor/aroma/mouthfeel, but harms clarity or color, then I’m all for it! However, even I have to admit that I may have gone too far with this batch of New-England-style hoppy pale ale. Dry hopping during active fermentation Read more about Softer, Juicier, and Uglier APA[…]
Consumer-goods companies with weak cost management will struggle to increase the bottom line—no matter how much they grow. Source: McKinsey When subpar operations threaten margin growth
China does well in customer- and manufacturing-oriented innovation, though not in the more advanced varieties. But the country will need them to sustain growth. Source: McKinsey Gauging the strength of Chinese innovation
The president of TIAA-CREF Asset Management talks about why the industry is likely to see more tie-ups, how to prepare for big deals, and why finding growth depends on what you’re good at. Source: McKinsey Managing mergers: A conversation with Rob Leary